Avoiding Post-Vacation Blues
How To Avoid Post-Vacation Blues
See my tips below
I’ve officially been home for 1 week from my 2-week Summer break vacation. We were in Michigan the first week, came home for a day and then drove up north for a bachelorette party in the Finger Lakes. And let me tell you, coming home was exactly what my body needed. As much as I love vacation, traveling can wreak havoc on my body, both mentally and physically. So if you’re anything like me, I put together a list of things I do when I return to get myself back on track.
Unpack and do laundry. I know this constitutes me as a serial killer, but there is nothing worse then a suitcase full of toiletries and things that I need throughout the week. I put everything away and wash EVERYTHING, regardless if it was worn or not.
Go to bed EARLY. Usually I’m sleep deprived so this is mandatory for my brain and body to function.
Avoid alcohol for a week. Vacation for me tends to mean less responsibilities so booze typically accommodates. However by the time I get home I’m ready for a break.
Stock up on foods that are purposeful. I never deprive myself, but instead will only eat healthy and nutrient-dense foods. AKA lots of veggies to make up for all of the sh*t that I most likely consumed while away. Since the week following a vacation tends to be pretty busy, I relied heavily on pre-made smoothies and oats from Revive Superfoods. Everything is shipped right to me and I can pick out exactly what I want in my box so it’s super convenient. If you want to give them a try, they gave me a code for you all to use for 50% off your first box - rsf50melissamandula
WORK OUT. This is an obvious step in any case to get your body moving but regardless, thought I should mention it. Added bonus - it does wonders for your mental health. It’s easy to get stressed out or overwhelmed when you get home so taking an hour a day for yourself should be mandatory.
Like I mentioned earlier, it’s been a week since I’ve been home and I feel like I’m 100% back on track. Remember not to be too hard on yourself - vacations are all about letting loose and taking a break from the chaos and structure of everyday life. Without them, life would be boring! So enjoy yourself and know that life will be waiting for you when you get back.