How To Stay Motivated

I thought right now of all times we could all use a little motivation (myself included) so I put together a list of things that I do in order to get my ass in gear and get shit done. These area all things that were all capable of doing but can make a large impact on our overall lives. So let’s do it.

+ Make daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I know you’ve heard it but if you take the time to think about what you want to accomplish, you’re more likely to follow through with it. It’s important to categorize them though so you don’t overshoot your shot and get disappointed if you don’t succeed.

+ Make a list. Each night I make a list of things that I want to accomplish the next day. There’s nothing more gratifying then crossing something off and seeing all that you’ve accomplished in a day’s work. Even if it’s something as small as “drink more water” or “watch less tv” if you make it a daily priority it will ultimately become part of your lifestyle. If there is something on your list that you don’t get done, move it to the next day.

+ Start your day with a purpose and intention. Take 10 or so minutes in the morning to set your intention and clear your mind. When you have minimal distractions you can start your day focusing on what you want to achieve.

+ Put your phone down. This goes along with minimal distractions. If you set specific time to be on your phone you’d be surprised how much you can get done in an hour of not being on it. (I know this isn’t applicable for everyone, so if you need your phone for work purposes, try setting times to be on apps that are distracting and can cause you to lose focus.)

+ Get up and move. Nothing makes me less motivated then sitting around all day. As Elle Woods once said, “Exercise causes endorphins, and endorphins make you happy”. Enough said.

+ Walk away. Don’t be afraid to take a break from something that is causing you stress. I always find that when I take a break and do something else, and then return, with a more level head.

Hope these ideas are helpful, let me know what tips and tricks you use to stay motivated - Lord knows we can use all the extra help we can get!


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