Mom Guilt & How I Deal


Motherhood is always a juggling act, whether you’re a working mom, a stay at home mom, a work from home mom, etc.

And it’s a lot of work. It’s hard and challenging everyday but in every way it has challenges, it has such great rewards. My life is a constant juggling act between trying to manage everyone’s schedules, running the day to day household and trying to fit in a little big of blogging in between. I obviously wouldn’t change a thing and absolutely love my family but let’s be real….it’s exhausting!

With that being said, I’m a firm believer that if you don’t take care of yourself first, you can’t take care of anyone else. It doesn’t need to be anything crazy or extravagant but anything that makes you feel good. Weather it’s working out or getting our for a walk or run, getting your nails done, or just having a day or night without your kids..

I’ve been a stay at home mom now for over 3 years and it’s shocking to me how quickly it went by! I’ve loved being able to play such a significant role in my children’s lives and am amazed every day at how much they’ve grown over the years. While the first couple of years were spent solely dedicated to them I feel like they’re getting older and things (in some ways) are getting easier. I have a little bit more time now to focus on myself. I’ve done more for myself in the past 6 months then i have in the past few years combined. It’s always a little tough to leave the house and leave them behind but once I’m out of the house I feel my old self is able to come out again. At first it was difficult, I felt lost without them being attached to me. But I promise you, it does get easier.

With that being said, mom guilt is always going to be there - I always question myself and whether I’m making the right decisions. Sometimes I feel selfish for not doing more, and other times I feel like I’m doing too much and am hindering their growth. But when one of them will look me in the eyes and say, “I love you Mommy, you’re the best Mom in the world”, I feel everything is right and I am doing the best that I can. It’s the littlest things that make the biggest difference, especially with littles.

At the end of the day, every parenting style is different, because it has to be. Every child is different. So while one parenting style might not be your own, just remember that we’re all out here trying to do our best - love our children and provide them with support, trust, and as many hugs and kisses as possible. Because let’s be real, this time is limited and if we don’t take advantage of it now, there’s going to come a time when we wished we did.

So love your children and love yourself. The rest will fall into place. <3
