Quarantine: Self Love Edition

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Alright guys, real talk here: these past weeks have been weird AF. I still have no idea what to make of everything going on, I’m still in disbelief that this is even happening. My heart goes out to everyone that has lost a loved one, or is currently suffering or has a loved one suffering. Now is the time for us to stay positive, wash our hands, and stay the f*ck home.

Now that we’ve been quarantined to our homes, let’s make the most of it with a little self care. One thing that always makes me feel better is pouring a glass of wine in my comfiest clothes and showing my skin some love. So I’ve put together my favorite face masks, comfy jammies, and a couple of books that I’ve recently ordered (still have yet to start them, but give me a break - I’m currently a homeschooling mom).

Let me know what books you’re into right now, maybe we can start a virtual book club?!

Hope you’re all staying healthy and safe out there!


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