Morning Routine for People who are busy af

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Mornings are NOT my thing. I’ve never understood how people (my husband) can wake up when it’s still dark out, go to the gym and be super productive first thing. I need a good 30 minutes to feel functioning in the morning, but I’ve found that in order to have a productive day, I need to FEEL my best.

With that being said, let’s be real, I’m a mom of two young kids so while this is my typical morning routine, things get jumbled and out of sorts sometimes (most of the time). But, I thought I could still break down a list of things that I do every morning in order to get my day started in the best way possible.

  1. Make my bed. This is something that I do every, single day. John and I have a deal that whoever is the last person out of bed is the person that needs to make it. And as I mentioned earlier, he’s one of those weird early morning gym people, so the responsibility is almost always is mine.

  2. Open all of the blinds and curtains in my house. Usually when I get up it’s still dark out, but only for about a half hour. Once it gets lighter out and the natural light shines in, it makes a world of a difference.

  3. Drink my coffee and 16 oz. of COLD water. This jump starts my metabolism so that I don’t make any rash, bad eating decisions out of hunger….which brings me to….

  4. Eat a balanced, healthy breakfast. I’ve tried intermittent fasting multiple times, and I gotta be honest, it isn’t for me. Breakfast foods are my favorite, so it’s impossible for me to eliminate them all together. My favorites are avocado toast, eggs and avocado (if I”m avoiding carbs), a healthy smoothie, or yogurt and granola.

  5. Once the kids are out of the house (MWF) or Jax is being entertained (T TH) I open my laptop and get at least 30 minutes (Jax depending) of work done. Emails, blog posts, graphics, etc.

  6. Work out. This is something I do 3 days a week, no excuses. Somedays are harder than others, but I’ve never regretted going to the gym. It cleanses my mind and my body.

  7. Do a load of laundry. This might seem dumb, but even if it’s the only thing on my list that I’m able to complete, it makes me feel accomplished. There’s something about always staying on top of laundry and never letting it pile up.

  8. Run the Roomba and get the hell out of the house. I never like being cooped up inside, regardless of the weather. Plus, having a 4 year old boy with me makes it that much easier.

Let me know what you do in the mornings. I love productive days so if you have anything that helps you get more sh*t done, I want to know!
