How To Get THE Shot


Hey guys! I’ve had a few of you recently reach out asking the inspiration behind some of my photos so I thought I would address all of your questions in a blog post.

The truth is, I pull so much of my inspiration from other influencers! I started my blog in April so it’s still new and there is soooo much that I’m still learning, but I think that’s the fun part of running a blog. The inspiration is endless, and fads come and go, so it’s important to stay true to yourself. Just because something looks good on someone else doesn’t mean it’s going to do the same for you. Don’t feel that you need to fall into every fad or trend just because it’s popular right now.

My photographer, Sarah Beirne, and I brainstorm and send each other photos ALL THE TIME. When I say all the time, I literally mean multiple times a day. We love creative shoots and going places that most people wouldn’t think to shoot at. Our last shoot was our first real creative one. We stayed away from most of the “pretty” bars and restaurants and tried to go places that were a little less mainstream and different. With that being said, it’s sometimes a little uncomfortable when you’re shooting in everyday locations and people are staring wondering what the hell you’re doing. But ignore them, you’ll probably never see them again, and this is YOUR creative way of expressing yourself. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like what you’re doing isn’t worth it. At the end of the day, if you achieve what you set out to to do, does it really matter what anyone else thinks?

I know this doesn’t specifically answer questions, but everyone’s style is unique and their own. So do what makes you happy, ignore those that don’t, and always get the shot!


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