How to beat an afternoon slump

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Afternoon slumps are the real deal. Usually for me they occur anywhere between 3 and 4 o’clock, and they can be draining. All I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch tv, and be anything but productive. While sometimes it can be a good thing to sit down and relax and take a breather, most of the time a few simple things are all we need to get our mojo back.

1. Drink COLD Water

The first thing I do when I’m feeling sluggish is chug water. Drink 16 oz. of water and see what it does to your body. Water helps to regulate your body’s temperature as well as delivers oxygen throughout your body. This gets your blood circulating, which helps wake you up.

2. Get up and move

Usually when I’m feeling sleepy in the afternoon, I get up immediately and move around. Usually around this time I have laundry that needs folding or there’s a room that needs to be picked up and/or cleaned. If you’re in an office or at work, get out of your seat and go for a quick walk. Take 5-10 minutes to move around and you’ll be surprised at how much it perks you up.

3. Try to find sunlight

This might be particularly challenging if you live in an area that doesn’t always allow for this, but getting some Vitamin D can seriously lighten our moods and wake us up. I got one of these lights for my dad for Christmas and I’m considering buying one for myself as well this year to help with afternoon blues.

4. Grab some peppermint oil

I have an entire drawer full of essential oils and cannot tell you how much they’ve changed our family for the better. Peppermint is a natural energy-enhancing scent so rub some in your hands and then hold your hands up to your face and inhale deeply. This is the peppermint oil I use.

If all else fails…..

5. Grab yourself a HEALTHY snack

Avoid crappy food at all cost, this will only make you feel worse and not wake you up. Any type of snack high in protein and healthy carbs are best - my usual go to’s are veggies and crackers and hummus, or a smoothie. If you need a quick gran and go snack, protein bars are always a good option - just make sure they aren’t loaded in sugar and artificial ingredients. These bars taste amazing AND have collagen in them, making them a great option.

Hope this list helps you out, let me know if you have any other suggestions in the comments!


